Dog tjat loms lime a wolf
Dog tjat loms lime a wolf

MAKE A SAVE HERE, HEROINE DIVERSION IS HERE Talk to the guy and shove him on the circle Go up the stairs and head all the way to the left again, talk to the little girl and select first option twice Go in and head all the way to the left, then go to the room with the gorilla and give him the stomach pain relief Head back to Desert Town and to the mansion at the right side of the town Talk to the thief and he'll give you the silver bullet for the wolf Quiz time, 4, 1, 1, 2 are the correct answers Through the forest, go to the abandoned house at top right and down the stairs Go and talk to the pope, then head on to the village (edit:the forest area is the place before the school took me 20min to find it like wtf)

#Dog tjat loms lime a wolf Patch#

Go to the jail and talk to the girl on the right cell from the slime steps, then head up and talk to the eye patch guy Head into boss room for a instant down, second option to get crotch tattoo and raped, first is to avoid that BEFORE GOING TO BOSS ROOM, MAKE SURE TO SAVE Not exactly sure what to give him here(*edit: found what he ♥♥♥♥♥ want, go to the item shop to buy a cheese and a lemon, cost 1000 & 800 ), but you can just select the second option twice Go to the item shop and go up the stairs to talk to the cashier, select the 3rd option Back to the office and talk to the head officer Go and activate the doors and make your way to the boss room Get the 2 keys on the map to the right(shiny spot), then the map top of it(shiny spot) Go to the Valcano Cave and into the factory Go to the Police Station right beside the prison and talk to the head officer, then interact with the documents Head to the bar below it and fight the guy by the counter Go the the police post all the way at the top left Go and kill the 3 slimes around the map, then fight the guard and get out

dog tjat loms lime a wolf

Save Serena and Lisa, then talk to slime again Talk to the two guards blocking the paths Head on down and grab the clothes(Option is just saying to spray or no spray) Go and interact with the hole then talk to the slime In prison now, talk to the guard and select choice 3 Talk to the guy by the car and get inside the car Go inside the building and talk with the old dude Go all the way down and interact with the carriage Head to the station and talk to the officer, then talk to the idol when she enters Head downstairs and to the boss room, and place grain that you got from the guy at the office at the room right next to it(or the other option, poor pig :'( ) Head on to the bar and talk to the cashier Go back to the house with the two girls outside, fight boss or watch Go to the brothel at the lower left of the map Go back to the town and to the office and talk to the guy Kill slime again, top one then right one Kill the guy at the right and use him as a stepping stone to kill the slime thing again at the center Kill the slime thing to the left, then go up the stairs Head into the forest and to the mysterious building Go to the Office at the bottom left of the map Talk to the two girls standing by a house and interact with the door Go and talk to the bat and first choice twice

dog tjat loms lime a wolf

Inside the jail, interact with the deformed brick at the top right Talk to the lady on the right to borrow her clothes, then interact with the gate again(Make sure to give it back her clothes, or she'll catch a cold :3)

dog tjat loms lime a wolf

Head all the way to the left and interact with the gate Head on to the storage by the harbor and activate the switches to leap Go to the AV head office guy and he'll give you the storage key Go to the far left door and talk to the lady to go up Go to the left door and up and talk to the guy, he'll give you a dvd to give to the guy blocking again Head to the lower left of the place and grab the shining thing by the crates and give it to the guy blocking the door Go back to the AV place and talk to the guy by the counter Head on to the cave and beat the dragon in there, you'll now receive the teleporter which makes life so much easier Go to the door with the AV letter and enter it You'll get teleport back to the initial room, go talk to the female there Beat the boss, then climb the stairs and talk to the girl(only the second choice works) After you advanced far enough, you'll be blocked by crystals, go into the classroom and switch the one sitting at the left to off and right to off (both) Go to the left room and switch the blue and red guy to on Go inside the giant door by the stairs and talk to the guy sitting down, then go to the door with heart marked Head out and go down to the harbor and either buy police pass for 3000 or naked Talk to the 2 guys near the school entrance(not polices) Talk to the guy at the school door entrance at the bottom of the map

Dog tjat loms lime a wolf